Thursday, December 29, 2011

Song Review

Time to review a song. I’m that picky with my music, but there are some that are just so annoying! That’s why I chose Lil Wayne’s song “She Will” (I could easily talk about his entire album The Carter IV, but I think one song is ENOUGH).
Ok, before I begin, I just want to say that I dislike many of Lil Wayne’s songs, but not all of them, just a lot.
So, let’s go into “She Will”. She Will what, Mr. Wayne? What is it that you are trying to say? That girls are whores?
“Maybe for the money and the power and the fame right now, she will, she will, she will.”
She’ll do anything for power and money? Why not say men will? I find this song very insulting to females. That’s the why I hate it! And especially with all the gorgeous language Lil Wayne uses, it’s just the strawberries on top of the frosting (not cherry, I prefer strawberries).
There are some good things about this song, though. I mean, the only reason I hate “She Will” is because of the insult towards female. Everything else isn’t that bad.
There some pretty good parts of it.
“What goes around, comes around like a hula hoop
Karma is a b****? Well just make sure that b**** is beautiful”
I like that part. Kinda like a life lesson, don’t you think? It’s like, try to make your life the best so what you get in return is good.
Yeah, other than that and the really cool rhythm, I still dislike this song. This dude, Mr. Lil Wayne, always uses bad language and has some really unpleasant lyrics about women, for example, like this song. But here, you can judge yourselfs:
(I honestly don’t understand how my brother likes to listens to this “song”)


  1. Excellent. It is time for the truth be told. It is refreshing to see someone take a stand against what so many, like sheep, flock to so willingly. I love rap, and although Mr. Wayne has decent technical skill, there is so much better out there. I guess when your target audience is 12-18 year olds, shocking and base is the formula that sells. And if you are going to be shocking and base, be creative and unpredictable about it.
    Good work Jessica.

  2. I agree, almost all of his songs sound exactly the same, and it is also true that if you dig a little bit deeper and look at a lot of the lyrics he writes are very well-written and witty. That's the thing about rap; is that their disses full of expletives and other useless things but they are pretty smart and well-thought of.
