Friday, December 9, 2011


Holden is one weird guy. In a way he’s just like Ackley. He criticizes everyone based on very few things, like their appearance or a onetime conversation. You can’t do that. To judge someone as much as Holden judges them you can’t judge of surface level things. Like Ackley, he doesn’t seem like many people but he stills hangs out with them. That is a bit phony. I mean, why would you go out with a guy that you can’t stand?
Phoniness is something Holden can’t stand, yet he’s very phony himself. To him, the definition of phony something or someone that pretends to be someone they’re not. Like the movies. He knows that they’re fiction, and can’t stand them because of it. But why can’t he just see them as what they really are, for entertainment? He seems to reject what life gives him to enjoy. And why judge the actors? All they’re doing is earning a good and decent living. I mean, they aren’t phonies because people KNOW that they’re ACTING.
Another thing is that Holden is a big, fat LIAR! He lies to everyone, especially people he doesn’t know. He seems to do it for amusement. Like with Ernest’s mom, he could have just said that he didn’t know much about him and ended the conversation. But he doesn’t do it. I totally think that’s the type of phony acting he talks about because the ones Holden lies to don’t know he’s lying.
Holden seems to just be a weird teenager going through difficult phases, especially because I think that bordering schools are horrible and that they deprive their right to live with their family and siblings, people he cares about.

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